Welcome! Are you New to the Weymouth area? We're so Glad that you have found our website & we hope you'll visit us soon. Here at the Weymouth Church of Christ we want to provide a place where people can come as they are to Connect with God through His word, so they may experience His love & Share His word of Hope with the people in our Community. Wherever you are in your journey, come join us.

"Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth: Make a loud noise, and rejoice and sing praise." - Psalm 98:4
When you come to worship, you receive what you can’t get from any other place. The prayers and songs you’ll hear are from the deepest parts of the soul, the words of people who truly have met their Messiah, Jesus, who’ve been changed forever, and who are prepared to go out and live the rest of their week with Christ at their side.
Please join us for a time of Worship and Celebration Sundays at 11:00am. Our service consist of a balance of Contemporary and traditional style music led by our praise band.
We would love to have you come Visit!