Welcome! Are you New to the Weymouth area? We're so Glad that you have found our website & we hope you'll visit us soon. Here at the Weymouth Church of Christ we want to provide a place where people can come as they are to Connect with God through His word, so they may experience His love & Share His word of Hope with the people in our Community. Wherever you are in your journey, come join us.

I'm new at Weymouth Church of Christ. What can I expect?
Maybe your returning to Church, or coming to Church for the very first time; or, maybe you're an active Church member who just moved to town and need to find a new Church home. Whatever your story, it's likely you might have some questions. We're goign to try and guess what you might want to know on your first visit. If we have missed something, let us know!
What's the Sunday Schedule?
10:45am - There is always coffee on. Visit, Relax before Church starts.
11:00am - Morning Service Begins!
Do you have anything for my Kids during the Morning Service?
Absolutely! We are just as committed to Kids as we are to Adults. We have Children's Church available for Kids up to 6 years old. Then during the morning message we provide a Kid's pack with activities inside for Children who are a little older.
Is your Church Wheelchair Accessible?
We are happy to welcome people of every level of ability whatever their needs. We are wheelchair accessible and try our best to be conscious of peoples needs who visit. Let us know how we can help you feel comfortable.
What is the Environment like?
The environment is authentic, fun and relaxed, but also intentional and focused. Through practical messages, music, media, and times of prayer and reflection, we present the unchanging truths of the Bible in a way that is easy to understand and relevant to life. You may feel challenged, convicted, inspired, happy, energized, or motivated, but our goal in everything is for God to transform hearts.
What is the Music like?
We enjoy a variety of music. We have a lot of talented musicians and singers who lead us on a rotation. We have two worship bands that take turns during a month.
What does the Pastor talk about?
Our Messages (Or Sermons) are always practical in nature. We believe God wants to be involved in our everyday lives, so we present the truths of the Bible in a way that is easy to understand without watering it down.
What should I wear?
The short answer, "Clothes." There is no dress code, so dress comfortably. Our Minister usually dresses pretty casually, if that helps.
How long does the main service last?
We promise we won't be here all day. Each time we meet usually lasts a little over an hour.
How can I find you?
From Digby: Turn onto Highway 101/Evangeline Trail & go East along the Hwy until you reach Exit 27. Turn Left into Weymouth, this section is known as Highway 1. Stay on this road and you will see the Weymouth Church of Christ beside the "New Road."
From Clare/Yarmouth: Follow Highway 101/Evangeline Trail West until you reach Exit 28. Then turn right at the bottom of the ramp towards Highway 1. Stay on this road and it will lead you eventually through the town of Weymouth. Keep driving until you see a sign for the "New Road." The Weymouth Church of Christ is before you get on this road.
Did we answer all your Questions?
We'd love to share more with you. Contact us with any additional questions at 902-308-6601 & Pastor Darrell would be happy to assist you further.