Welcome! Are you New to the Weymouth area? We're so Glad that you have found our website & we hope you'll visit us soon. Here at the Weymouth Church of Christ we want to provide a place where people can come as they are to Connect with God through His word, so they may experience His love & Share His word of Hope with the people in our Community. Wherever you are in your journey, come join us.
Our Leadership Team

"Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith."
- Hebrews 13:7
These men provide spiritual oversight, direction and leadership for the Weymouth Church of Christ. These are men with a deep love for Jesus and His Church and are highly respected both in our Church family and the local community.
Mark Zimmerman
Steven Barr
Wayne Thomas
Justin Oliver
These men are certainly not the only ones serving in leadership here at WCC, but they are an important part of the spiritual and physical aspect of our ministry.