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Weymouth FOODBANK - 
On an ongoing basis, we collect food donations for Feed NS and our Local Weymouth Foodbank. Each week as a Church we check out the Flyers & set a special item to pick up each week to donate as a Church. If you want to help out, please drop off any donations to the Food box in the Foyer of the Church. If you want more info on Foodbanks in Nova Scotia: CLICK HERE


North Burma Christian Missions  - J.Russell and Gertrude Morse began this work in China.  As their Children and Grand-Children moved into Burma and into Thailand, a string of believers were trained to continue the work. Lisu, Lahu, Rawang, and many other tribes have sent out leaders in their own communities and into new unreached territories across the area. Since 1972, when the Morse's relocated in Thailand, this network has branched into many differnt directions teaching and carrying on the message of Jesus. 
For more information about this mission: CLICK HERE


Maritime Christian College -
The purpose of Maritime Christian College is primarily equip students for Christian ministries as Church ministers. Christian educators and youth leaders. Students come from all over to be educated and further enriched in their Faith, so they can be better equipped for active Christian service.

If you want to know more about MCC Please:



Missions are a very important part of what we do here at the Weymouth Church of Christ, and we believe that everyone - regardless of age or experience - can serve! Below are a couple of missions & service oppurtunities, locally or globally that we serve as a Church.

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