Welcome! Are you New to the Weymouth area? We're so Glad that you have found our website & we hope you'll visit us soon. Here at the Weymouth Church of Christ we want to provide a place where people can come as they are to Connect with God through His word, so they may experience His love & Share His word of Hope with the people in our Community. Wherever you are in your journey, come join us.

Trunk or Treat provides a safe environment for families to come for a family friendly, one stop candy stop, atmosphere on Halloween Night. Children can go trick-or-treating by going from car trunk to car trunk to get their bag filled with goodies and winning special prizes along the way. This is a Free community event.
We need volunteers to decorate their trunk or tailgates. Individuals or groups sign up to host and decorate their vehicle, hand out candy. All interested volunteers please fill out the form below.
Costumes are encouraged. Dress up in coordination with your trunk’s theme. This is a family friendly event. Therefore, we encourage those participating to decorate appropriately with modest, kid friendly costumes.
Each year we have a Vote for the Best 3 Trunks! Be sure to go all out.
This year we plan to begin set up on Sunday, October 31st around 5:00pm. All trunks must be ready for people to begin coming from 6:00pm-7:30pm.