Welcome! Are you New to the Weymouth area? We're so Glad that you have found our website & we hope you'll visit us soon. Here at the Weymouth Church of Christ we want to provide a place where people can come as they are to Connect with God through His word, so they may experience His love & Share His word of Hope with the people in our Community. Wherever you are in your journey, come join us.
Weymouth Church of Christ Online
Faith at home is a very important part of the Christian walk. We want to encourage families during this time to continues studying God's word, but to take a moment and study together as a Family. We will have weekly messages made available, but as an additional resource we will also provide study guides and a Kids activity document which you can find below. Just click the PDF logo and print it off.
Kid's Activity Barabbas
Message Study Guide
Kid's Activity Centurion
Message Study Guide
Kid's Activity Mary Magdalene
Message Study Guide
Mary Magdalene
Kid's Activity Simon
Message Study Guide